It can be frustrating when you reside in North Carolina and have trouble repaying your debts, especially if unforeseen events place you in this position. After trying to find a financial resource to cover what you owe, you may find that bankruptcy is the only option....
Preparing your Chapter 13 plan
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy that allows individuals with a regular income to reorganize their debts and pay them off over a period of three to five years. If you are considering filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in North Carolina, it is important to...
How to talk to your parents about estate planning
It can be difficult to talk to your parents about estate planning, but it is important that you do. By having a discussion about their wishes and plans for the future, you can help them ensure that their North Carolina estate is handled in the way that they want. So,...
Setting a revocable trust into your estate plan
Under North Carolina law, you don't need a plan for your assets to be disbursed when you die. There is just one catch to this: In the United States, estates that have no will or trust plan get executed via probate. This hearing is how estates get contested, creditors...
Why an attorney is important when buying a home
You probably wouldn't think to hire a lawyer when you buy your groceries. Even when you make a larger purchase, such as an appliance or a vehicle, you typically do so without consulting an attorney. So, shouldn't it be the same when you buy your home? Purchasing a...
Does liquidation bankruptcy mean I will lose all of my property?
One of the biggest fears that North Carolina residents have regarding bankruptcy is the thought of losing personal property. There are a lot of misconceptions about consumer bankruptcy, and one of the main concerns is how non-financial assets will be dealt with...
Whiplash injuries can be a real pain in the neck, and back
There are a multitude of injuries that an individual might suffer during a motor vehicle accident. While some may be immediately apparent, others can take time to manifest symptoms, and despite the delay in pain, these could be just as harmful to you as any other. If...
Has dashboard knee left you feeling bent?
Serious car accidents can often result in considerable damage to your vehicle. Though many larger vehicles may offer substantial protection from such events, severe impacts could result in your suffering injuries. These injuries could range in severity, but in many...
Collaboration: Is there really a better way to divorce?
North Carolina couples facing divorce often dread the long, complicated process ahead. For many couples, the prospect of a long, contentious divorce is dreadful, but there may be a better way to walk through the emotional and stressful process of ending a marriage....