Tax season is here once again, and you and many other North Carolina residents likely have mixed feelings about getting this aspect of your financial affairs in order. You may not look forward to the process of actually filing your taxes, but you may feel a bit more...
Financial liability for probate errors could fall to the executor
When emotions are running high, it can be difficult for anyone to make important decisions. However, after the passing of a loved one, you may be put in charge of handling his or her final affairs. You may want some time to yourself to grieve, but starting the probate...
Common factors that contribute to financial problems
As you entered your adult years, you likely hoped that you would have a good job and earn an income that allowed you to live your life without financial worries. While many North Carolina residents have this desire, it does not always work out. Though you may have...
That traffic ticket may be worth fighting against
Though you get behind the wheel of your vehicle almost every day, you may not realize or fully think through the fact that you bend the rules on occasion. You may travel a few miles over the posted speed limit or roll through a stop sign when no one is coming rather...
Is uncontested divorce the right choice for your situation?
Divorce is not an easy process, but there are choices available to you that can help you make it less stressful and complicated. Some North Carolina couples find it is possible to seek an uncontested divorce, which is often a much faster and easier process than a...
What is at stake with a DUI arrest?
Drunk driving in North Carolina and across the country results in injuries, death and immeasurable damages. For this reason, states pass laws with strict penalties for those convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol. In addition to exacting punishment for...
Do I really need an estate plan?
If you are putting off the important work of creating an estate plan, you are not alone. Most people come to the end of their lives with no provisions for their loved ones or their assets, leaving others to make critical decisions. Often, these decisions are nothing...